Monday, September 21, 2009

Paintings Online

The collaborative body of work that I have been working on for the last couple of years with Tali Farchi took a couple huge steps forward this summer. During a three week period this summer we created over 100 paintings on canvas and paper. Many were sold after the shows in which they were painted along with the music of live jazz musicians. There is a considerable body of work remaining, I am in the process of getting them online in a couple of places. Tali and I feel it is important to not just let these painting just sit in my studio unseen. Please go to our new ArtSlant page and also they will be on the Mo(ve)ment Effect web site where they will be available for purchase.

This sites take a bit of time and effort to set up so stop back regularly and see the progress.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Traverse Symphony Orchestra

Valkyries, the Devil & Rhodes

Valkyries, the Devil and Rhodes

Kevin Rhodes, conductor
Isaac Hurtado, tenor
Traverse Symphony Chorus
Sunday, September 20 at 3 pm
Corson Auditorium, Interlochen
Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries
Liszt - Mephisto Waltz No. 1
Liszt - A Faust Symphony

 So yeah, I scored a couple of last minute front row tickets to the symphony that I just couldn't pass up.
Okay, so the Ride of the Valkyries was cool as you might guess. I don't need to say much about that even though that is what I was most excited to hear performed...

But the Liszt is what blew me away... in fact my head is still swimming. That is come complex stuff. The Faust Symphony is the story of a man who sells his soul to the devil. Liszt does not write in a linear fashion as Paul Dukas with the tone poem the Sorcerers Apprentice, where you can image what is going on in the story... No, no no, Liszt dissects the personality of each character and basically give you a personality profile, that this guy is crazy, and passionate... looking for love in all the wrong places and can get pissed off too... and then there is the devil that he is selling his soul too.

Well it was intense... if you ever get a chance to see this live prepare yourself... it is 80 minutes long and it is high powered stuff. Issac Hurtado was marvelous.

Say yes to live music and displays of art anytime you can... you will be better for it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait

Four Cores
Oil on wood panel
11" X 6" (28 X 15 cm)

Life is sometimes just hurry up and wait. But, as I see it, and from where I am sitting, I don't have time to wait for anything to just happen. I had a window of time in the last couple days, and so I took advantage of it and did some paintings.

This one is a tribute to the fact that I need to eat fewer hamburgers. I have a bag of apples in my studio.  These four apple cores actually did find themselves striking this pose before I thought I would paint them. When I came into the studio on Thursday, there they were and now, here they are.

Thank you Johnny Appleseed. (and a few other people.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Summer Hangs On Another Day

 West Bay Water
West Bay Clouds
Summers in Northern Michigan are about as good as things can get. Summer this year was nearly a non-event during the time that we were supposed to be enjoying it, as luck would have it the first two weeks of September have turned out to be the most wonderful summer days of the season. Combine the warm weather with the typical September breezes and it makes for the most amazing sailing on the bay. Life being what it is you can't sail all the time, and when I am not sailing I have the bay to look at.
Truth be told, as much as I love sailing if I had to choose between sailing and painting, I would pick painting, that may not be much of a surprise to anyone, but I had to say it.  As a painter looking is so very important. I realize that may sound stupid, that looking is important to an artist, but there is looking and there is looking. I am talking about really seeing what is happening with in shapes and observing the movement of the elements of the landscape, because really every thing is moving.
Blue Sky
I had an interesting discussion about some of my work with a man the other day, and I was asked what the focal point of my painting "Blue Sky" was.  No one had asked me that before and I had to think because I have always just thought of it as a beautiful blue sky day. And that is just it, it is not particularly a specific scene, it could really be almost anywhere. So it is not a portrait of a place, but a portrait of the day. With the blue sky, the breeze, the sun and warmth. All of those things are here. 
So when I talk about that specific kind of looking I am talking about sucking in the whole experience of the moment as I am there inside of the subject I am painting. In this what "Blue Sky" is more of an impressionistic painting than anything.
But what I wanted to say in regards to the watercolor paintings I did yesterday afternoon on the shore of West Bay, was that it was a wonderful experience for me as a person and a painter to sit and look and respond with brushes and paint.
So go outside, sit down and really look at something today.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Art Classes Starting Now!

 Art Instruction and Mentoring by Royce Deans

It's that time again, I am currently setting times and arranging classes for the fall in my studio.

Drawing and painting classes for adults and kids, focusing on the fundamentals with an emphasis on creativity and expression.

Please call for sessions and workshops for artists and non-artists alike.

Studio address: 4866 Bartlett Road, Williamsburg, Michigan 49690
Studio phone: 231.883.1681

Monday, September 14, 2009

No Internet...

Last Friday my internet went out... I called the company and they were sending someone out... they never showed, but oddly the modem came back to life. Saturday morning it was off again and is still out of service... This morning I called again and now I have a new appointment for 10-12 tomorrow.

Stop - Windsor, Ontario
Today I began editing of The Mo(ve)ment Effect - Art Without Boundaries.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Smelling the Plein Aire Again

Last Wednesday I guess it was I took my box of watercolors out of the studio. It had been a couple of weeks since I just got out and looked and moved some paint around. I have been working like crazy in several different directions lately. It seems I am about as all over the road as I could possibly be, so it was very nice to get out and focus a little bit.
There really is something for me when I am out painting. There is so much to be gained.
This particular day I was on the west shore of West Bay of the Grand Traverse Bay in Traverse City. It was a bright and breezy day with a bit of haze. 
Anyway, I have to make this painting thing a regular part of my routine again. It really keeps me centered.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ba Boker Shabat

Holiday weekends,  always present a little bit different air than the kind we get every week. This is Labor Day weekend 2009. While I hope to get out sailing today on the bay, there are a few bits of household chores that need to be attended to. This morning I went to the studio for a little bit of knocking around. As always I was able to meet and greet as is my routine. I also was able to get my palette cleaned off and things in place to get my painting back on track.
So now I am heading home to attend to those chores. Have a great weekend everybody.